Custom Hard Hats Logo & Reflective Program

Click to Customize your Hard Hat
Custom Hard Hats Logo & Reflective Program
Click to Customize your Hard Hat
Custom Hard Hats Logo & Reflective Program
Click to Customize your Hard Hat

  • Simple, easy-to-use and allows you to create custom hard hats

    3M provides a great opportunity for you to advertise your company’s logo or tagline on custom hard hats with our Hard Hat Customizer Program. 3M uses a pad-printing process that can print logos in up to four different colors, making them more resistant to peeling, cracking or fading.

    Additionally, the 3M Hard Hat Customizer site makes it easy to add 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material striping to your hard hats to help increase worker visibility. Scotchlite reflective striping can be configured for the sides and back of your hard hats, with or without custom logos.